Winter is in full swing in our Central Oregon community with lower temperatures and snow-capped mountains, which means it’s time to give your home a winter checkup.
As we gear ourselves up for winter, it’s important to gear up our homes as well. Here a few tips to save money during the cold season, save energy and keep your house safe and functioning well. While this doesn’t necessarily cover everything you need to prepare your home for winter in Central Oregon, it’s a great place to start.
Winterizing tips
- Replace your furnace filter before starting up your furnace and run the system for a while to make sure it works properly before relying on it for heat.
- Clean the filter if you have a heat pump
- Run fans in reverse to pull warm air down from the ceiling.
Exterior Checkup
- Clean out gutters
- Check weather stripping on doors & replace any that may be missing or damaged
- Assess the integrity of roofing & siding
- Close off or insulate foundation vents
Water Heater & Pipes
- Turn your water heater temperature down a few notches to save money on water heating
- Insulate pipes
- Keep thermostat above 55 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent freezing interior pipes
- Close outdoor faucets & hoses
- Cap spigots on the outside of the house with something like this:
Faucet Cover
Energy Rebates and Incentives
Whether you own a new home in Central Oregon or have owned your home for several years, there may be a lot of incentives to improve the energy efficiency of your home to prepare for winter. Check out Energy Trust’s website to find out ways that you can save energy and get incentives and rebates to do so! You may be eligible for cash incentives for things like:
- Weatherization
- Appliance upgrades
- Heating & Cooling Options